Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Just one of those days.

Well, I have had one of those rotations that no matter what happens nothing will be right or go smoothly. The concept is not hard.........go where I send you. If your pager goes off and then you hear my voice say " tca 18 priority 1, 3316 w state hwy 76 for an mva." and you are tca 18 then I want you to go to 3316 w state hwy 76 for an mva. DO NOT call in and ask where I want to you to go I have already told you. DO NOT continue to call after I have hung up on you because I do not have time to talk and ask where I want you. Also, after you finally get to the scene I need to know when you leave. As the person responsible for knowing where everyone is and what they are doing it is imperative that you give all of this information. YOU after all are the person requiring it of me. I can handle this being just one time but not the WHOLE DAY ON EVERY CALL. Also, as an experienced dispatcher I do not need you to micro manage me or my partner. I do not need to be told when to pee. I am a big girl and can decide that all on my own. The quote that pretty much sums up the day and this person is "You can't fix stupid."

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