Friday, April 17, 2009


Ok, so I had to pull out my "backbone" today and everyone freaked. In the world of EMS their is two kinds of personality types. You have the "A" and "B".
(Definition: Type A individuals can be described as impatient, excessively time-conscious, insecure about their status, highly competitive, hostile and aggressive, and incapable of relaxation. They are often high achieving workaholics who multi-task, drive themselves with deadlines, and are unhappy about the smallest of delays. Because of these characteristics, Type A individuals are often described as "stress junkies." Type B individuals, in contrast, are described as patient, relaxed, and easy-going. There is also a Type AB mixed profile for people who cannot be clearly categorized.)
I would not consider myself an "A" probably a "B or AB". The point I am trying to make is that I am the minority in the company. My partner is an "A" to the letter so I very rarely have to use my "backbone" because she is already all over it. However, back to my original story... I hate be blamed for something I did not do. Don't get me wrong I can get myself into trouble and I will take for responsibility for it, but I will not be miss quoted. The funny part is that I don't think my co-workers new I had one. Imagine this I am sternly and so what heatedly explaining what happen to the mouth who said I didn't do my job. I turn around to see the rest of my co-workers looking at me with their jaws dropped. I walked back in to the com center and asked my partner what was with everyone and received the same look everyone else had on her face. She told me that she didn't know I had it in me. She finishes here statement and in walks my supervisor who gives me a high five and says well done. Later the mouth came in and apologized so all is good. Up until now I did not think being a "B or AB" personality was good in our line of work but I guess I was wrong. Note to self: With new found empowerment.....pick battles wisely. :)

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